Source code for pathomx.db

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Database manager
# Loads compounds, reactions and pathways on initialisation. Provides interface to
# filter sets, list etc.
# Database is a key-based store of each dataset
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging

import os
import sys
import re
from .utils import UnicodeReader, UnicodeWriter
from collections import defaultdict

from . import utils
import numpy as np

from .translate import tr

    from urllib.request import urlopen
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urlparse
    from urllib import urlopen

import logging

# Databases that have sufficiently unique IDs that do not require additional namespacing
database_link_synonyms = [
    'UCSC', 'ENSEMBL', 'HMDB', 'CAS', 'KEGG'

# Internal URLS
COMPOUND_URL = 'pathomx://db/compound/%s/view'
PATHWAY_URL = 'pathomx://db/pathway/%s/view'
REACTION_URL = 'pathomx://db/reaction/%s/view'
PROTEIN_URL = 'pathomx://db/protein/%s/view'
GENE_URL = 'pathomx://db/gene/%s/view'

# Global Pathomx db object class to simplify object display, synonym referencing, etc.
class _PathomxObject(object):
    def __unicode__(self):

    def _str__(self):

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__unicode__()

    def __init__(self, **entries):

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return type(self) == type(other) and ==

    def get_piped_str(self, l):
        l = list(set(l))  # Remove duplicates from list when saving
        return '|'.join([o if type(o) is str or type(o) is unicode else str( for o in l])

    def get_db_str(self, dbs):
        if dbs:
            dbtbl = list()
            for k, v in list(dbs.items()):
                dbtbl.append('%s:%s' % (k, v))
            return ';'.join(dbtbl)
            return ''

    def synonym_str(self):
        return ', '.join(self.synonyms)

# Dummy wrapper classes for readability
[docs]class Compound(_PathomxObject): type = 'compound' type_name = tr('Compound')
[docs] def as_csv(self): return [,, self.type, self.get_db_str(self.databases)]
@property def url(self): return COMPOUND_URL %
[docs]class Pathway(_PathomxObject): type = 'pathway' type_name = tr('Pathway')
[docs] def as_csv(self): return [,, self.get_db_str(self.databases)]
@property def url(self): return PATHWAY_URL %
[docs]class Reaction(_PathomxObject): type = 'reaction' type_name = tr('Reaction')
[docs] def as_csv(self): return [,, self.get_piped_str(self.mtins), self.get_piped_str(self.mtouts), self.get_piped_str(self.smtins), self.get_piped_str(self.smtouts), self.get_piped_str(self.proteins), self.dir, self.get_piped_str(self.pathways), self.get_db_str(self.databases)]
@property def url(self): return REACTION_URL % @property def compounds(self): return self.mtins + self.mtouts @property def secondary_compounds(self): return self.smtins + self.smtouts
[docs]class Protein(_PathomxObject): type = 'protein' type_name = tr('Protein')
[docs] def as_csv(self): return [,, self.get_piped_str(self.genes), self.get_piped_str(self.compartments), self.get_db_str(self.databases)]
@property def url(self): return PROTEIN_URL %
[docs]class Gene(_PathomxObject): type = 'gene' type_name = tr('Gene')
[docs] def as_csv(self): return [,, self.get_db_str(self.databases)]
@property def url(self): return GENE_URL % # Dummy class to handle reaction intermediate compounds/reaction steps
[docs]class ReactionIntermediate(_PathomxObject): # Standard values type = 'dummy' type_name = 'n/a' name = 'n/a'
[docs]class databaseManager(): # compounds, reactions, pathways = dict() def __init__(self): # Initialise variables self.synfwd = defaultdict(set) # ID -> Synonyms self.synrev = dict() # Synonym -> ID self.synrev_by_type = defaultdict(dict) # Synonym -> ID # A namespace index self.index = dict() # Separate subtypes self.pathways = dict() # Pathway) self.reactions = dict() # Reaction) self.compounds = dict() # Compound) self.proteins = dict() # Protein) self.genes = dict() # Gene) self.unification = defaultdict(dict) # Load the data self.load_pathways() self.load_compounds() self.load_genes() self.load_proteins() self.load_reactions() # Load synonym interface for conversion and data-interpreting self.load_synonyms() self.load_identities() self.load_xrefs() # Load additional chemical data self.load_gibbs() # Helper functions
[docs] def get_via_unification(self, database, id): try: return self.unification[database][id] except: return None # Helper functions
[docs] def get_via_synonym(self, id): try: return self.synrev[id] except: return None # Handler to load all identity files in /identities
[docs] def load_identities(self): identities_files = os.listdir(os.path.join(utils.scriptdir, 'identities', 'synonyms')) if len(identities_files) > 0:"Loading additional synonyms:") for filename in identities_files:"- %s" % filename) reader = UnicodeReader(open(os.path.join(utils.scriptdir, 'identities', 'synonyms', filename), 'rU'), delimiter=str(','), dialect='excel') for id, identity in reader: self.add_identity(id, identity)"Done.")
[docs] def load_xrefs(self): identities_files = os.listdir(os.path.join(utils.scriptdir, 'identities', 'xrefs')) if len(identities_files) > 0:"Loading additional xrefs:") for filename in identities_files:"- %s" % filename) reader = UnicodeReader(open(os.path.join(utils.scriptdir, 'identities', 'xrefs', filename), 'rU'), delimiter=str(','), dialect='excel') for id, db, key in reader: #self.add_xref(id, db, key) self.add_db_synonyms(id, {db: key}) # Hack, fix this up"Done.") # Synonym interface for compounds, reactions and pathways (shared namespace) # Can call with filename to load a specific synonym file, e.g. containing peak ids
[docs] def load_synonyms(self, filename=os.path.join(utils.scriptdir, 'database/synonyms')): reader = UnicodeReader(open(filename, 'rU'), delimiter=str(','), dialect='excel') for id, name in reader: if id in self.synfwd: # Protection self.add_synonym(id, name)
[docs] def load_compounds(self): reader = UnicodeReader(open(os.path.join(utils.scriptdir, 'database/compounds'), 'rU'), delimiter=str(','), dialect='excel') for id, name, type, db_unification in reader: self.add_compound(id, { 'name': name, 'type': type, 'databases': self.extract_db_unification(db_unification), })
[docs] def load_reactions(self): reader = UnicodeReader(open(os.path.join(utils.scriptdir, 'database/reactions'), 'rU'), delimiter=str(','), dialect='excel') for id, name, origin, dest, smtins, smtouts, proteins, dir, pathways, db_unification in reader: self.add_reaction(id, { 'name': name, # Build internal db links to compounds 'mtins': [self.index[mid] for mid in origin.split('|')], 'mtouts': [self.index[mid] for mid in dest.split('|')], 'smtins': [self.index[mid] for mid in smtins.split('|') if mid != ''], # [s for s in smtins.split('|') if s != ''], 'smtouts': [self.index[mid] for mid in smtouts.split('|') if mid != ''], # [s for s in smtouts.split('|') if s != ''], 'proteins': [self.index[prid] for prid in proteins.split('|') if prid != ''], 'dir': dir, # Reactions can be in >1 pathway 'pathways': [self.pathways[pid] for pid in pathways.split('|')], 'databases': self.extract_db_unification(db_unification), })
[docs] def load_pathways(self): reader = UnicodeReader(open(os.path.join(utils.scriptdir, 'database/pathways'), 'rU'), delimiter=str(','), dialect='excel') for id, name, db_unification in reader: self.add_pathway(id, { 'name': name, 'databases': self.extract_db_unification(db_unification), })
[docs] def load_proteins(self): reader = UnicodeReader(open(os.path.join(utils.scriptdir, 'database/proteins'), 'rU'), delimiter=str(','), dialect='excel') for id, name, genes, compartments, db_unification in reader: self.add_protein(id, { 'name': name, 'genes': [self.index[gid] for gid in genes.split('|') if gid != ''], 'compartments': [c for c in compartments.split('|') if c != ''], 'databases': self.extract_db_unification(db_unification), })
[docs] def load_genes(self): reader = UnicodeReader(open(os.path.join(utils.scriptdir, 'database/genes'), 'rU'), delimiter=str(','), dialect='excel') for id, name, db_unification in reader: self.add_gene(id, { 'name': name, 'databases': self.extract_db_unification(db_unification), })
[docs] def load_gibbs(self): def sum_gibbs_in_outs(key, ins, outs): return sum([m.gibbs[key] for m in ins if hasattr(m, 'gibbs')]) - sum([m.gibbs[key] for m in outs if hasattr(m, 'gibbs')]) reader = UnicodeReader(open(os.path.join(utils.scriptdir, 'database/gibbs'), 'rU'), delimiter=str(','), dialect='excel') # Add reactions from each compound that we have gibbs data for gibbs_reactions = set() for kegg_id, deltag, uncertainty, charge in reader: if kegg_id in self.unification['KEGG']: self.unification['KEGG'][kegg_id].gibbs = { 'deltaG': float(deltag), # + 8314 * 310.15 * np.log(2), # G = G° + RTln(C2/C1) n.b. 310.15K = 37°C; R= 8.314 gas constant 'deltaG_bio': float(deltag), 'uncertainty': float(uncertainty), 'charge': float(charge) } gibbs_reactions.update(self.unification['KEGG'][kegg_id].reactions) for r in list(gibbs_reactions): # Do we have gibbs data for all reactants (excl. H+ and?) # Some are uncalculated (e.g. pseudoatom H so can't be included - how to treat, could mark these somehow from original source data ins = r.mtins + r.smtins outs = r.mtouts + r.smtouts deltag = sum_gibbs_in_outs('deltaG', ins, outs) # Swap reaction directions on birectional reactions to match gibbs #if r.dir == 'both' and deltag > 0: # print r, "swap!" # tmtins, tsmtins = r.mtins, r.smtins # r.mtins, r.smtins = r.mtouts, r.smtouts # r.mtouts, r.smtouts = tmtins, tsmtins # deltag = -deltag # Calculate penwidth for deltag viz if deltag == 0: deltag_w = 1 else: deltag_w = 1 + (np.log2(abs(deltag)) + 1) * deltag / abs(deltag) # Signed log2 r.gibbs = { 'deltaG': deltag, # sum_gibbs_in_outs( 'deltaG', ins, outs ), 'deltaG_bio': deltag, # sum_gibbs_in_outs( 'deltaG', ins, outs ), 'deltaG_w': deltag_w, 'uncertainty': sum_gibbs_in_outs('uncertainty', ins, outs), 'charge': sum_gibbs_in_outs('charge', ins, outs), }
[docs] def extract_db_unification(self, db_unification): # Process database links field dbs = dict() if db_unification: for dblink in db_unification.split(';'): key, val = dblink.split(":", 1) dbs[key] = val return dbs
[docs] def add_db_synonyms(self, id, databases): if id in self.index: self.add_synonyms(id, ['%s:%s' % (db, key) for db, key in list(databases.items())]) self.add_synonyms(id, ['%s' % (key) for db, key in list(databases.items()) if db in database_link_synonyms]) for db, key in list(databases.items()): self.index[id].databases[db] = key # Add unification links for db, key in list(databases.items()): self.unification[db][key] = self.index[id]
[docs] def add_reaction(self, id, attr): self.reactions[id] = Reaction(**dict( list({'id': id, 'synonyms': self.synfwd[id]}.items()) + list(attr.items())) ) # Store id and names in the synonym database self.index[id] = self.reactions[id] self.add_synonym(id, attr['name']) # Build the reverse link for pathway in attr['pathways']: if hasattr(pathway, 'id'): self.pathways[].reactions.append(self.reactions[id]) # Add pathway links to compounds for m in self.reactions[id].mtins + self.reactions[id].mtouts: # The follow instead of extend to remove duplicates if hasattr(m, 'id'): self.compounds[].pathways.extend([p for p in self.reactions[id].pathways if p not in self.compounds[].pathways]) self.compounds[].reactions.append(self.reactions[id]) for p in self.reactions[id].pathways: if self.compounds[] not in self.pathways[].compounds: self.pathways[].compounds.append(self.compounds[]) # Add pathway links to proteins for pr in self.reactions[id].proteins: if hasattr(pr, 'id'): self.proteins[].pathways.extend([p for p in self.reactions[id].pathways if p not in self.proteins[].pathways]) self.proteins[].reactions.append(self.reactions[id]) for p in self.reactions[id].pathways: if self.proteins[] not in self.pathways[].proteins: self.pathways[].proteins.append(self.proteins[]) # Add pathway links to genes for g in pr.genes: if hasattr(g, 'id'): self.genes[].pathways.extend([p for p in self.reactions[id].pathways if p not in self.genes[].pathways]) self.genes[].reactions.append(self.reactions[id]) for p in self.reactions[id].pathways: if self.genes[] not in self.pathways[].genes: self.pathways[].genes.append(self.genes[])
[docs] def add_pathway(self, id, attr): self.pathways[id] = Pathway(**dict( list({'id': id, 'synonyms': self.synfwd[id], 'reactions': [], 'compounds': [], 'proteins': [], 'genes': [], }.items()) + list(attr.items())) ) # Store id and names in the synonym database self.index[id] = self.pathways[id] self.add_synonym(id, attr['name'])
[docs] def add_compound(self, id, attr): self.compounds[id] = Compound(**dict( list({'id': id, 'synonyms': self.synfwd[id], 'reactions': [], 'pathways': [], }.items()) + list(attr.items())) ) # Store id and name in the synonym database self.index[id] = self.compounds[id] self.add_synonym(id, attr['name']) self.add_db_synonyms(id, self.compounds[id].databases) # Check if we have a compound image for this compound (KEGG Sourced) if 'LIGAND-CPD' in list(self.compounds[id].databases.keys()): self.compounds[id].image = os.path.join(utils.scriptdir, 'database', 'figures', '%s.png' % id) self.compounds[id].imagecolor = os.path.join(utils.scriptdir, 'database', 'figures', '%d', '%s.png' % id)
[docs] def add_protein(self, id, attr): self.proteins[id] = Protein(**dict( list({'id': id, 'synonyms': self.synfwd[id], 'reactions': [], 'pathways': [], }.items()) + list(attr.items())) ) # Store id and name in the synonym database self.index[id] = self.proteins[id] self.add_synonym(id, attr['name']) self.add_db_synonyms(id, self.proteins[id].databases)
[docs] def add_gene(self, id, attr): self.genes[id] = Gene(**dict( list({'id': id, 'synonyms': self.synfwd[id], 'reactions': [], 'pathways': [], }.items()) + list(attr.items())) ) # Store id and name in the synonym database self.index[id] = self.genes[id] self.add_synonym(id, attr['name']) self.add_db_synonyms(id, self.genes[id].databases)
[docs] def add_synonym(self, id, synonym): self.synfwd[id].add(synonym) # ID -> Synonyms if id in self.index: self.synrev[synonym] = self.index[id] # Synonym -> Object self.synrev[synonym.lower()] = self.index[id] # lc Synonym -> Object self.synrev[id] = self.index[id] # id -> Object # BY type self.synrev_by_type[self.index[id].type][synonym] = self.index[id] # Synonym -> Object self.synrev_by_type[self.index[id].type][synonym.lower()] = self.index[id] # lc Synonym -> Object self.synrev_by_type[self.index[id].type][id] = self.index[id] # id -> Object
[docs] def add_synonyms(self, id, synonyms): for syn in synonyms: self.add_synonym(id, syn) # An identity is a limited version of the synonym (using the same tables as above) # linking from database id etc. to a object Id, but not reverse
[docs] def add_identity(self, id, identity): if id in self.index: self.synrev[identity] = self.index[id] # Synonym -> Object self.synrev[identity.lower()] = self.index[id] # lc Synonym -> Object # Output the current database to disk (Overwrite completely)
[docs] def save_compounds(self): writer = UnicodeWriter(open('./database/compounds', 'wb'), delimiter=str(',')) for compound in list(self.compounds.values()): writer.writerow(compound.as_csv())
[docs] def save_reactions(self): writer = UnicodeWriter(open('./database/reactions', 'wb'), delimiter=str(',')) for reaction in list(self.reactions.values()): writer.writerow(reaction.as_csv())
[docs] def save_pathways(self): writer = UnicodeWriter(open('./database/pathways', 'wb'), delimiter=str(',')) for pathway in list(self.pathways.values()): writer.writerow(pathway.as_csv())
[docs] def save_proteins(self): writer = UnicodeWriter(open('./database/proteins', 'wb'), delimiter=str(',')) for protein in list(self.proteins.values()): writer.writerow(protein.as_csv())
[docs] def save_genes(self): writer = UnicodeWriter(open('./database/genes', 'wb'), delimiter=str(',')) for gene in list(self.genes.values()): writer.writerow(gene.as_csv())
[docs] def save_synonyms(self): writer = UnicodeWriter(open('./database/synonyms', 'wb'), delimiter=str(',')) for synk, synv in list(self.synfwd.items()): for syn in synv: row = [synk, syn] writer.writerow(row)